Can Technology Heal A Broken Heart?

article, diaries, discussion topics, emotional, feelings, life, real-life, realtionships, short reads, thoughtful, viewpoints

“Of all the ups and downs that I’ve had in my dating life, the most humiliating moment was having to explain to Siri that I got dumped.”
– Anonymous

So here you are, lying down on the couch after a breakup and trying to explain your situation to your close and intimate ‘technology’ friend Siri or the upcoming ‘Cortana’ that you have just been dumped by your girlfriend/boyfriend; what do you think how would your ‘close’ friend react? Lets see…

“Siri, Shailene isn’t my girlfriend anymore,” I confided to my iPhone, between sobs.

“Do you want me to search the web for you about Shailene isn’t your girlfriend anymore?” Siri responded, in the sweet, feminine American robot dialect I’d selected in its “settings.”

And of course it than later asked me to tap either “Yes” or “No”. Which prompted some questions in my mind like Can technology really heal heart? Or Have we gone nuts because all we are trying to do is talk to our “so-called” intimate techno friends rather than our “real” friends or people who can actually comfort and can actually help healing our hearts and maybe even help finding us our new companions?  (Well Siri can also give you suggestions for dating websites but like seriously do you want that? Think about it.)

Whenever you break up you start stalking your ex’s Facebook profile, instagram and all those post snapchats…like you are some serial killer plotting to kill your ex-partner as and when you get the opportunity.

Suppose one month after you both break up; you are kinda over it but still you have those flashes of memories of love and you are wandering over to Facebook and suddenly a notification pop – up reading like this, “You ex has ‘liked’ a picture of yours that you have posted yesterday”. Ugh. What did that mean? Does she want me back? Do we still stand a chance? I guess, she is still in love with me! And then suddenly you see a picture that she has posted with her “so-called” new boyfriend of some party they went to last night! BOOM! Back to reality. (Whisky is calling you!)

Well coming back, do you seriously think that talking to your phone would help you to heal the emotional pain you are going through?, the trauma that you are facing? Don’t you think that here a warm conversation with your friend will help you to come over that pain rather than updating Facebook statuses about your break up. A hug would make you feel more secure and warm rather than telling Siri to play a song that suits with your mood!

So, I guess technology is very important for us but when it comes to deal with a broken heart we should always call up our friend at 3 am in the night, wake her up and force her to listen to us and then after that tell Siri/Cortana to set an alarm for 7 in the morning.

Think about it and give your views about the topic in the comments below.